Kumasi, with which we have partnered with the Ghana Armed Forces, is set to open for business no later than the end of the first quarter of 2024. “In opening new branches, we will try to do a bit of small brand extension. The value would be the same, but we will try to tweak it to suit the local environment. We also hope to take on more staff and vendors.” The workers look vibrant and enthusiastic. It is obvious that the teammembers have played a vital role in the success of Villandro. “I must say, yes,” is Kwame’s response. “Team members put in their energy, their creativity, and long working hours. Particularly, our kitchen staff. It is a very stressful department.” By now, I am hopeful that the facility has a future within the hospitality space in the long run. “Well,” Kwame says, “for me, I think that a good future would be one where we can source cheaper ingredients. When competition sets in, those with cheaper options, and who can offer more competitive savings would be the survivors. As our day finally ends, I give a wistful sigh, grab my handbag, tell Kwame that I have thoroughly enjoyed my day, and then wave goodbye as I hop into my car. One thing is for sure though, I know that I am definitely coming back on Sunday night for their ‘Chill and Grill Barbeque.’ 62 The Birthday Journal