Toshmans Magazine

As brilliant as the celebrations were, they were not without challenges. For starters, it was not as if we were throwing the party in our own backyard; it was in a different country. The trick was that I did it all with a planner. She was awesome. Additionally, a few friends were unable to join the Safari trip, which left me feeling a bit disappointed. My 40th birthday party is the biggest I have had in my whole life, and I wanted to use the opportunity to bring my close friends and family together. I also got the opportunity to reveal myself through the Birthday Journal. Again, as I hit 40, I’m taking time to ‘smell the roses.’ I intend to learn from every opportunity that comes my way, whether good or bad. Also, I’m being very intentional with my faith. I will be participating more in church activities, doing more humanitarian charity stuff, and spreading my love for Jesus publicly. You might find it hard to believe, but I’ve started looking forward to my 45th birthday. Hopefully, we will spend it in another destination—to be revealed soon. I am so grateful for the Birthday Journal. I hope that in some years to come, grandkids would see it and go like, “Nana was beautiful.” Hopefully, they’re going to go through the story and say, “Oh, that is where the faith comes from.” It’s like a gift from me to my generations to come. I can’t speak about it enough. I am already planning towards my forty-fifth birthday. I trust God that the future will be bigger than this. “ 17 The Birthday Journal