“Finally Adoley, what do you think of the letter blue?” Adoley hesitates a while and then jerks in excitement as she says, Blue The ocean meets the sky. A massive expanse of never-ending blue stretching and stretching till it was out of view and still stretching. Neptune and Uranus light up the galaxies with their beautiful hues of blue. Turquoise and sapphires, gemstones of the rarest types, adorn the underparts of the earth with their striking shades of blue. Blueberries, cornflowers, bluebells, and hyacinths Male peacocks and blue whales and all other things blue God, in just one shade of His glory. Beautiful, Adoley, beautiful. The colour blue represents open spaces, freedom, imagination, and inspiration. When we connect with divinity, we gain the freedom to live a life that opens us up to fearlessness and the possibility of embracing all that it takes to become your best self. Raise your hand if you feel any of these impulses: 1. You want to expand your territory of impact, but you feel you do not have what it takes. 2. You want to use your experiences, talents, and gifts to serve not only yourself and your family but also to reach more people, but you do not know where to start. 3. You feel you are in life to make a big difference, but you do not know what the difference is or who you are here to impact. 4. You feel a strong pull toward leadership, but you fear the condemnation, criticism, and sacrifices that come with being in leadership. 5. You want to seamlessly merge your spirituality into your business life, but you do not know how. Flying at Mach 5 is all about expanding your territory of impact and influence as a leader. It is about creating a mindset shift in leadership thatmakes you comfortablewithwhat is seemingly uncomfortable. It is about seamlessly integrating your spirituality into your business. You will learn the “FLYMACH” code to release your fears, gain self-love, walk in authentic confidence, own your voice and visibility, connect to create on a different level and step into your zone of leadership with ease. Flying at Mach 5 ties everything together; what I want to focus on here is how spirituality helped me on my quest to fly at Mach 5. Christianity plays a central role in my life. I have built a strong personal relationship with God, and I do nothing or take no step without reasoning with him. I pray and get direction from God regarding every client God brings tome to coach and every training workshop. I pray for direction on how I could make a difference and meet the urgent and immediate needs of the organisation that contracted me. Every trip I have undertaken, I have asked for God to speak and direct. Even the Becoming My Best Self concept was inspired by God after days of prayer and fasting. I fight my enemies through prayer and retain my friendships through prayer. I am quick to ask God for forgiveness first when I misbehave or offend others, even before I go to the offender to ask for forgiveness. I try not to be too hard onmyself, as I believe that in all things (even inmy mistakes), work together for the good of those who love God. I see opportunities in every challenge, conflict, and breakdown, and I have learned to course correct and move on in life joyfully. I am unstoppable and resilient because when God speaks, He gives you grace to go through it. 50