“And the color is green.” What does it remind you of ? “Green?” “Yes.” Green Ever since the rains began, I see green everywhere. In the expanse of well-manicured lawns and in trees and shrubs. I see it in the park, all aroundme as if in a warm embrace. I see it in fat, fresh-looking green apples, like chubby-cheeked toddlers. The picturesque images of greenery, the freshness of leaves, of sprouting, growing things. I feel the vivacity of life. I smell it too. Crisp. Fresh. I love the smell of freshly cut grass. Green, green, and more green. I feel alive. I am ready to do life. Adoley, I couldn’t agree more with you. Green is the colour of life. It symbolises growth, renewal, and wealth. When you identify your purpose, you begin to impact humanity and create growth opportunities for many. The feelings of burnout, stress, and dissatisfaction are often a call to shift focus. One smart, successful woman who felt stuck in her career life put it this way: “Though I have accomplished and achieved a lot in my professional life, and I am financially comfortable, I still feel unfulfilled. I want to make shifts in my life that will enable me to create a lifestyle that leverages my gifts, talents, interests, and professional experiences to create a fulfilling career that serves my deepest desire for life balance, financial independence, and a different kind of impact.” We will guide you into: 1. Identifying and mapping out your greatest yearnings 2. Gaining clarity on how to draw from your unique talents, experiences, skills, and strengths to create the outcomes you most desire 3. Gaining insight into the calibre of people your professional, life experiences, and gifts have prepared you to serve all these years 4. Identifying your barriers to serving your target market and gaining the tools to break through those barriers by creating offers, projects, and solutions for that market. 5. Adopting a 5-step approach to creating your preferred purpose pathway of balance, impact, and financial fulfilment 6. Learning mindset shifts to help you become unstoppable in your pursuit of your purpose contribution I realised that my career cluster area of preference was social work soon after I enrolled at Aburi Presbyterian Women’s Training College. This was shortly after completing Form 5 at Holy Child, and after returning from Denmark on a one-year AFS program. I must admit that it was my parents who advised me to pursue education, and looking back now, they could not have made a better decision. The initially average-performing student at Holy Child started excelling and topping my class. For the three years that I was there, I was always among the top 10%. I knew beyond a reasonable doubt that I was in my zone of purposeful contribution. I loved psychology and education and later pursued educational psychology, guidance, and counselling as my bachelor’s degree. My career path was quite different from the norm; I did not go to the sixth form; however, the path I took landed me pursuing all the courses I loved: education, psychology, counselling, coaching, and human resource management. One lesson I learned is that our paths are different, and one should not seek to follow the path of any other person. Become aware of your path and pursue your divine course. That is the only way you can shine and be fulfilled. I can relate to the quote, “Though I have accomplished and achieved a lot in my life professionally, and I am financially comfortable, I still do not feel fulfilled.” 46