Sika Magazine

We are still typing the details of the speakers, and when I get to Ivy Deh, Adoley says excitedly, “That is my niece’s name.” “Do tell me more about her.” “Ivy is a banker by profession,” I reply eagerly, Adoley’s face softening in admiration when I say that. Nodding and saying, “Yes, that is what my sister’s daughter will be,” she asks to hear more about Ivy, so I say, She has over a decade of experience in the sector. She is the Head of Global Markets Sales, Corporate & Investment Banking at Absa Bank Ghana, where she oversees Forex Sales, Corporate, and Investment Banking. Her banking experience supports industry players, and she leverages such experiences in the global banking market to assist her peers and other key players in Ghana’s forex market to enhance international trade. She went to the University of Strathclyde in Glasgow, Scotland, and the University of Ghana. She was one of the speakers at a Trade Finance Forum held in 2019 by then-Barclays Bank Ghana to intensify their trade finance support for businesses in Ghana, given her experience and commitment to support local industry players and stimulate economic growth. She is blessed with a loving husband and three strong boys. “I’m curious, how did you meet her?” Adoley asks, as she says, “This will surely be my niece’s destiny too,” and does a big “in Jesus’ name!” “Amen!” Ivy was among the ten women in leadership assigned to me by Absa Bank two years ago for coaching. In my first engagement with her, I felt her energy, zest for life, grit, and extreme confidence. It was clear that she did not require coaching in the “OwnYourVoice andVisibility” section of the training. She had mastery over her voice, she was visible and seen; and she was a champion in her trade as “Head of Global Markets.” As we navigated her intentions, it became clear that what she needed was the tolerance to amplify and mirror the brilliance and power of others from their own power centers. This was the shift that was going to catapult her to a different level of greatness and influence. At the end of our twelve-month coaching sessions, she had mastered the skills of radical empathy, how to sponsor others to their greatness, and how to hold paradox towards others’ growth. When I reached out to her a year later to invite her to join a group of womenwhomI was training to be certified as “Depth Practitioners,” she was quick to accept. Ivy is a champion at demonstrating that becoming your best self and making the greatest difference with your gifts is a team sport, not a solo race. We all need support from others, especially other women, in order to thrive and come into the fullness of our power and potential. Thank you, Ivy, for being a Power Partner and a Depth Practitioner on the Self Search team. 44