Sika Magazine

“Of all the colours in the rainbow, my favourite is violet,” Adoley says. “That was one of the colours I used for my wedding.” “Oh,” I reply. “And what do you think of when you see the colour violet?” Violet Of lilacs, violets, and lavenders of blackberries, elderberries, and grapes hanging down in clusters. Of aubergines, butterflies and birds in different hues of violet. Shades of violet are soothing and refreshing. Of course, Adoley. Violet connotes a feeling of empathy, selflessness, and sensitivity toward others. When these qualities are ignited, not only does one begin to see the needs of others, but they also open themselves up to connect and co-create with others. Do you know that a broom tied together sweeps better than a single broom stick? As women, relationships are important to us, from healthy spousal relationships to relationships with children, family members, friends, and colleagues at work. At times, we define our worth by the quality of our relationships. Past self-sacrificing relationships may have left you feeling overused, untrusting of people, and isolated. This module is the difference-maker in building strong, nurturing, and growthoriented relationships that keep you creating rewarding possibilities in different areas of your life. After all, the deeper truth is that everything you need to manifest in life comes through people. Personal power is insufficient. This module takes you through powerful practices to: 1. Break free from deep patterns of isolation. 2. Step into empowered relationships with yourself, others, and life itself. 3. Manifest through the portal of relationships 4. Build a field of support with people who mirror and amplify who you are becoming. 5. Build your connection funnel and create a rewarding pathway to fulfillment. I grew up in a closely knit nuclear family, where we were brought up to build strong bonds with our nuclear family members. This resulted in closeness with my siblings. We were friends with each other, gossip partners, and confidants. My mother used to say that the only people she could gossip with were her children. That was the extent of our closeness. This is the kind of relationship I have with my children. We draw a lot of strength from each other. Addobea, the firstborn, is the critical thinker in the home. She analyses everything to the letter, guided by her legal background. She is the one I turn to for advice when I get myself into a business bind. I turn to Natalie for counselling and encouragement. She has this way of brokering peace and advising you without judgement. When I need spiritual upliftment and the honest truth on an issue, I turn to my son, Ohene, an architect. Though he is only twenty-three, he demonstrates such diplomacy and mature thinking. I would venture to say that this module of connecting with other people’s strengths to co-create has made the Becoming My Best Self coaching package a reality. I was motivated by the number of impactful women I have gotten to know over the past few years and their contributions to this coaching package make it all special. 42