Sika Magazine

“MRS. HARRIETTE AMISSAH-ARTHUR is an engineer and the executive partner and cofounder of Arthur Energy Advisors (AEA), with over 30 years of energy sector experience in the public, private, and development sectors. For nearly 20 years, she worked in various senior positions at the Volta River Authority (VRA) and partnered with a number of national and international organisations as the Director of the Kumasi Institute of Technology, Energy, and Environment (KITE) to design, fundraise, and implement projects in Ghana and the ECOWAS Sub-regions, as well as Ghana’s first energy for poverty reduction action plan. She is resolute, determined, and thriving in a male-dominated sector of the economy, as well as stepping into all areas of greatness because she believes that the sky is only the beginning and not the end in terms of accomplishments. Harriette Amissah-Arthur holds a BSc (Hons) in Electrical and Electronic Engineering and a Masters in Business Administration.” I know Adoley would ask how I met her so I go ahead to tell how I met Harriette. “I met Harriette through a mutual friend of ours. That friend had invited me to speak at an annual event organised by Harriette in which a speaker would be invited to speak to her family on a topic. I chose the topic, “Knowing Yourself.” The one-hour interactive presentation went so well with her sons and their friends that it opened the door to coaching sessions with Harriette and her family. Harriette knew the power and value of coaching, and she invested in ensuring that each member of her family benefited from the one year of coaching. I became and am still her family coach, a title I am honoured to bear. Incidentally, she bears the name of my oldest sister, Mrs. Harriet Aduamoah, so I suddenly found myself calling her “older sister.” One of the things I like about her is her ability to boldly correct or commend me whenever the need arises. Her faith in my expertise and her support in enhancing aspects of my professional life are incredible. Harriette is an avid reader and would not hesitate to recommend, order, or give me her own copy of a book if she felt it would add value to me and my work. Thank you, Harriette!” Adoley is rapidly blinking now, the movement of her false lashes making her look absolutely comical. “Okaywhat now?” I ask, andshe stops blinkingandsmiles.What acomedian. “How about Mrs. Amissah-Arthur, who is she?” “All that blinking for this short question?” I ask, exhaling loudly and saying, 30