Sika Magazine

While others were looking to me for support, wisdom, and comfort, I was managing my own feelings of insecurity and inadequacy, fatigue, and support deficit syndrome. After several years of successfully counselling and coaching many people and supporting them to create the outcomes and lives they most desired, I found myself having to recreate my own life and stop being in denial of the disruptions. I came to the sudden realisation that I could fulfil my purpose and be more impactful if I did my own self-search. I realised that one major obstacle that kept me stuck was the fear of being vulnerable. I realised then, more than ever, that society’s perception of smart, successful women needing to be sufficient, know it all, and have all the solutions left many in the shadow of themselves and others. It left themwith society’s expectations of what is possible and not possible for them. I decided to give myself permission to be the change I wanted to see, feel, and create for myself. Coaching myself through the Becoming My Best Self Modules has been a life-changing experience that I now offer to all smart, successful women in transition. Adoley is furiously typing away now. It seems she is enaissance R The Ten years ago, at age fifty, I found myself feeling stuck in different areas of my life. I was in the process of navigating through a toxic relationship and was also trying tomanage a career path. My career at the time was stifling my deep yearning to become my best self. It was hinderingme fromstepping intomy zone of greatness, thus preventing me from impacting lives in more meaningful ways. 18