I bring into the coaching, training, and facilitation spaces my authentic self and 30 years of rich experience, as well as a hybrid of skills and competencies drawn frommy background in psychology, counselling, and human resource management. I have just finished dictating my bio and Adoley is giving me this scandalous look, like she would just scream, “Sika Twum, are you tooting your own horn?” Of course, girl, who better to toot it than me? For someone who started off as academically poor, I have come a long way. I am not ashamed to flaunt my victories, to lift my head high, and to declare my achievements to the world—all to the glory of God. In fact, if I am asked to describe myself in four adjectives, I would not hesitate to describe myself as passionate, peopleoriented, positive, and proactive. I would say without regret that I am a master at disrupting old practices and igniting the potential of people to create new possibilities for their lives. We know you are all that, but do you need to stress it? Adoley asks in a small, not-so-sure voice, both her eyebrows raised in a worried expression. Excuse me? I ask, clearing my voice, and adding, I amalsoa seasoned transformational leadershipcoach, trainer, facilitator, career coach, andspeakerwithacombined 30 years of professional practice. 13