Selasie Magazine

From Coach Selasie’s Birthday Wall Happy Birthday to a remarkable woman of God who embodies the grace, strength, and wisdom of a true mother. I believe that your love and guidance have shaped countless lives. May this special day be filled with all the joy and blessings you deserve. Here is to celebrating you, not just today, but every day, for the incredible person you are. Wishing you a year ahead filled with love, laughter, and endless happiness. Happy Birthday! Dr. Andrews Happy birthday, Pastor Selasie! May your heart be filled with laughter all day long. Amen. Happy glorious birthday to you, Pastor Selasie. May the Lord continue to bless you and fill your mouth with laughter, joy, and victory all the days of your life. We love you. Patrick, Joyce, Zara, Ziva, Zele Zion Bulmuo Happy birthday to you, Mummy! What a joy it is to see the big 50 and to be a participant on this day with you. It’s my prayer that you will step into speed this year. You will accomplish much with little, doors of higher heights and realms of revelation will be granted unto you. Grace, grace, grace, coupled with the trumpet of jubilee, a season of rest, laughter, no struggle, more than enough, and the return of all lost over the years. I celebrate you, Mummy. Happy 50th Birthday! Pastor Joshua A Happy 50th birthday to the remarkable Mama G! Your dedication, love, and support have been an inspiration to all of us. May this milestone year bring you abundant blessings, joy, and fulfilment in all that you do. Thank you for your unwavering commitment to the church and for being a beacon of light in our lives. Wishing you a day filled with love, laughter, and cherished memories. Happy birthday! Eric, Esther, Eliese-Rose, Erica, and Elias.... Happy golden jubilee. Welcome to the 5th floor. 5 decades of God’s faithfulness. To God be all the Glory. Happy birthday, Selase. May God grant you good health, joy, and peace in the many years to come. Enjoy your special day. Edith Agbeko Happy birthday to you, Mummy. You are a blessing. God richly bless you. Sandra Congratulations, Selasie, on your Golden Jubilee. This is the doing of the Lord. We thank God for your life and the blessings you have been in our lives. We pray that as you have watered, may you be watered as well. May the years ahead bring you bigger and greater testimonies to God’s glory. Enjoy your day. Happy 50th Birthday. With best wishes from Madeline Happy Birth Anniversary to you, ma’am. Thank you for all you do, all you represent. Your contagious smile and simplicity yet spiritual fierceness are endearing. As you enter into a new season, it shall be your season of the NEW and the NEXT. Greater Grace, Greater Glory in Jesus’ name. May God fill your mouth with LAUGHTER, may your greatest asset in this new season be the PRESENCE OF GOD, may God make you a case study of RESTORATION in Jesus’ name. Amen. I love you, ma’am. Mary Tori Jesu Alemu Happy Golden jubilee, Selasie. I thank God for your life. I pray the next 50 years will be more glorious. Enjoy your special day, woman of God. Hugs, Audrey aka (daddy’s only daughter) Ezee bube see how far the Lord has brought you…To my very own Ma mere. Woezɔ oo Woezɔ to your Jubilee! Indeed, see how far the Lord has brought you - 5 decades of His goodness and great grace, all we can say is Akpe na Mawu I am especially thankful to God for your life and for all that you are to me as well as the many women you carry on your shoulders both spiritually and physically. You are not just an exemplar of sagacity, but more so you’re a woman of the Word, deliberate, thoughtful, and a source of great comfort in turbulent times. I celebrate your unparalleled passion for spiritual and physical wholesomeness. Your vision and birth of Nongor have transformed and healed so many lives; for this, God bless you. I commend your next 5 decades to God and to the word of His grace which is able to keep you. May He continue to joy over you with singing and certainly, your latter will be greater than the former. Wishing you a fierce and fabulous 50th Birthday!!! Wow 50 looks good on you lol As always, Moi Wishing you a very happy birthday, dearest Osofo Selassie. I thank God for your beautiful life and how far he has brought you. I pray that you continue to abound in the grace of God. I pray that as you step into a new year and beginning of a new decade, new doors of opportunity and heights will be opened to you. Divine acceleration in your ministry and every responsibility of your life. Happy blessed birthday. From Baaba, Bedford Congratulations! Congratulations! Congratulations, Dooooo!! We thank God for your life and how far He has brought you. Fifty wonderful years on this earth can’t just be taken for granted, especially for a wonderful person like you who has impacted lives in diverse dimensions. I really thank God for your life and wish you a powerful birthday. May the Lord continue to guide your steps and help you accomplish your mission on this earth. May the years ahead 34 The Birthday Journal