Selasie Magazine

1. Prepare Your Mind, Your Body, And Your Environment Good preparation for a Reset also means having all the items we need ready and at hand before Day 1 (Monday Morning). This includes your scale, your tape measure, your phone for taking your pics, water, and electrolyte ingredients. Preparation is key if you want good results in your Reset. The most important thing to prepare is your mind. Please ensure your scale has working batteries, functions properly, and is with you every morning this week. 2. Deal breakers WEIGH-INS and WAIST MEASUREMENTS are a must FIRST THING every morning. This is a very important request. Daily (before 11 am), without these, Coach won’t be able to measure your progress and adjust what we are doing to suit you. Kindly COMPLY, PLEASE, with daily reporting of your weight. 3. Hydration Dedicate your morning to hydration. Drink your water. Sip, sip, sip. Ensure you make electrolyte water and sip on it, especially when you feel low, unwell, weak, or faint. It will give you a little pick-meup. Try not to drink water after 7 PM so you can get a good night’s rest without waking up to go to the bathroom and disrupting your sleep. 4. Contraband Foods Don’t eat contraband foods and pretend you can’t remember consuming them. Those four pieces of nuts you ate don’t just evaporate into thin air. Your body has to process them, and it will recognize every carb and protein in there. 5. Oops, I Ate It Again Don’t fret over slip-ups. If you’ve veered off course, reset with a water fast the next day to kick start fat burning mode. Be honest about what you’ve consumed—every bite counts, especially if you’re battling hormonal challenges. Reset Rules: 10 Insider Tips for Success 32 The Birthday Journal