Selasie Magazine

Mansa Agyare I first encountered Coach Selasie and her reset program when I ran into my friend Sarah at St. James. It looked like she had lost about 4 dress sizes, which left me in awe. Witnessing her transformation was truly inspiring, especially as I was gearing up for my milestone birthday and a photoshoot. Wanting to look and feel my best for the occasion, I was determined to shed some weight for the birthday shenanigans. Experience and Transformations Working with Coach Selasie brought about a significant mindset shift for me. I realized the need for a lifestyle change beyond just my birthday event. Additionally, the accountability factor of sharing my weight daily during the Reset has been crucial in keeping me on track and preventing cheating. Distinguishing Features What sets this Reset Program apart is the token cost. I was able to sign myself and other family members immediately. I love the consistent engagement level of Coach Selasie with the resetters. Her transparency about her personal struggles with weight maintenance, especially as she approaches 50, is inspiring. I also appreciate her sharing her big dreams and aspirations for her Nongor brand. Challenges and Rewards The most challenging aspect for me is noticing how my body reacts when I don’t get enough rest. However, the rewards of feeling healthier and more confident make every challenge worth it. Nongor Products I haven’t had the opportunity to try Coach Selasie’s Nongor Products yet. Wishes for Coach Selasie Happy Birthday, Coach! May the generations that you transform rise up to call you blessed as you continue to impact lives in the next decade and beyond. Before After 30 The Birthday Journal