Selasie Magazine

Ekua Bartlett-Mingle One day while browsing on Facebook, I stumbled upon Coach Selasie, where she shared her personal story and her reset program. Her journey resonated with me, prompting me to delve deeper into her program. Experience and Transformations I joined Coach Selasie’s program in December 2018, and my experience has been nothing short of transformational. What I found most enriching was joining the Nongor community, where Coach Selasie freely shares tips not only on weight loss but also on improving overall health and wellness. Distinguishing Features What sets this Reset Program apart from others I’ve participated in is its focus on individual needs. Coach Selasie’s passion to help women and her commitment to everyone’s success are evident in the personalized support provided. Challenges and Rewards The most rewarding aspect of Coach Selasie’s program is being part of a community of like-minded individuals. While the journey has its challenges, learning from the struggles and victories of others has been invaluable. Nongor Products My overall experience with Coach Selasie’s Nongor Products has been exceptional. The products are of high quality, and their consistent use has helped me overcome gastric issues, contributing to my overall well-being. Wishes for Coach Selasie Happy 50th Birthday Coach! In the coming decade, I pray for your vision for Nongor to flourish and expand. May God grant you the strength, wisdom, and grace to see your dreams come to fruition. Your dedication to your purpose is truly inspiring, and I believe great things lie ahead for you. Before After 26 The Birthday Journal