Selasie Magazine

Nana Yaa (Quadsmom 2018) I was introduced to it by my Sis in the Lord, Lawyer Dorothy, a resetter too. I showed interest in her looks when we met, so she decided to sign me up for the next reset, which was in April 2024, Reset 5. Thanks, Mama Dorothy. That was where I met Coach SB, and honestly, I have no regrets. Experience and Transformations Since joining Coach Selasie’s program, the changes in my life have been profound. I have found a new family who believe in healthy stuff on the resetter page. There are a lot of important healthy tips and learning new things every now and then. Weight loss, checked! Healthy eating and drinking, checked! Staying hydrated all day, checked! Distinguishing Features While I hadn’t previously engaged in structured programs, I only try to stay healthy in my own small way. But being on the reset has changed me a lot. Challenges and Rewards The cravings were challenging, and the reward was the loss of weight within a short period. Nongor Products I have yet to try Coach Selasie’s Nongor Products yet, I will be here to give my verdict when I use any of them. But I am hopeful they are superfood. Wishes for Coach Selasie Coach, thank you for being a guiding light on this healthy lifestyle journey. It’s been a very short and fulfilling weeks with you, ma’am. Your encouragement means a lot more, and I appreciate your time and dedication to empowering others to stay healthy. However, today is your day to shine. Enjoy all the contrabands—happy birthday! Hope all your wishes come true. Cheers to your next 50, our able sexy 35-year-old Coach SB! 22 The Birthday Journal