Ntowaa Magazine

Innocent Beginnings In the beginning, life was smooth, with my birth at the esteemed North Ridge Hospital situated in a quiet residential area on the 4th of May, 1974. Circa 1978 I celebrated a birthday not too long ago. I was a mere toddler, scampering around naked, waiting to be bathed or powdered, I think. Now, this man, who towered over me, appeared on my horizon. He grasped a rolled newspaper in his left hand. Bending over me, he lightly tapped my naked butt with the newspaper, saying, “Ko na kodwari na sh3 biibi,” meaning “Go and bathe and wear something.” I remember this phrase as if it were uttered yesterday. I scampered away, giggling, unafraid of his hulk. Then, time moved. Not sure how many moons had passed, but I was still a mere toddler. Cruising Through Childhood Interrupted by the Sudden Crash Ntowaa Benefo Dakwa The Birthday Journal 7