Ntowaa Magazine

SEED I am a seed You are too We were formed in the darkest places Probably in a dark alley ShaboShabo stuff Or some disco-bulbed room with a broken record playing a love song Or in a rundown vehicle parked in a decrepit corner Or some exotic island where the sun preened after I do’s Still... That final thrust was strobed in a dark crevice Say what? Test tube baby? Still... dark place Even ideas develop from a dark place in your head Before the scribbling starts I need something to grow You do too Could be soil Maybe, not just the soil. But fertilizers too Or water Or rain Or some kind of nurturing or tendering to sprout out Do it!!! Get out of that soil By whatever means If it’s done for you, appreciate it I might bear beautiful flowers But not the kind that ties beautifully into a bouquet You might not bear flowers But be a giant oak tree that gives shelter Or the neem that we all hack at to give us a salve in this pandemic Then again, you could be a shrub or merely a weed that grows notoriously But... there’s a purpose I believe there’s a purpose for you As chaotic as this world might seem There’s a purpose for you Find it, please. -Ntology 62 The Birthday Journal