Ntowaa Magazine

Dearest Kwabena, You are an amazing human being, And I bless the day you shuffled up to me, Damning the consequences. I see that attitude of yours in everything you do. Your support has been phenomenal, Pushing every obstacle away To ensure that I got to my destination With every fiber of me. Medaase, They don’t make men like you anymore. The current brand on the market needs a lot of work. I pray that special mates are made for your girls, And one of me for the lad. It’s not as if you do not have any blemishes, But you do, Making you a human being, But I have chosen to look beyond what makes you pale And rather focus more on what makes you a gem. I remember all the times that you made me feel valued. Thank you. You do so much for the kids, You do so much for your extended family, You bend your back for the church, You will follow a friend to Yendi just to cheer or just to be there. What manner of man are you? As you pant, Moving heaven and earth to celebrate me, I want to tell you in no uncertain terms that I love you, I see everything you do, I never miss anything. Medaase wai, Sometimes I wish there was a better way to say “thank you.” You make me feel loved up, Touched everywhere, Tickled, Irritated, Blessed, Mushy. I remain thankful, Even for the low points. It shows our commitment levels And all that we are willing to go through. It shows effort. In my books, Effort is an A with a plus. Thank you. May we live together Under the grace of God, With the kindness of men. Here’s to us, And forever. Love, Amma 58 The Birthday Journal