Ntowaa Magazine

At fifty (50), one does a lot of reflecting. Much will be said today, but here are fifty reasons why I love you, and they are in no particular order of preference. 1. I just do. 2. You love me. 3. You believed in me, and you still do. 4. Your faith: your love for God. 5. Your smile: when you smile, I cannot help but smile back. 6. Your hugs and kisses: they reassure me. 7. Our kids: our blessings, look what we made!! 8. Your honesty. 9. Your heart for people: you do not discriminate. 10. Your generosity: you would give your last cedi to help. 11. Your thoughtfulness: you care for me in little ways. 12. You wear Ghana: always showcasing Ghana every chance. 13. Your sense of family: you cherish family and will give your “life” for family. 14. Your sense of humor. 15. You are supportive: even when you don’t agree with my crazy impulses. 16. Your love for books. 17. Your writing skill: write that book. 18. You value and respect me. 19. You love trying new things. 20. You are smart. 21. You love green. 22. You are irreplaceable. 23. I love that you like spending time with me. 24. You are romantic. 25. I love how you have impacted my life. 26. You chose me. 27. You are hardworking. 28. We understand each other. 29. You are beautiful. 30. You manage our home well. 31. You still “rock my boat” after all these years. 32. Your loudness, heck we both love to make noise. 33. The impact you make in people’s lives. 34. You love mentoring young people. 35. Your love for beads. 36. Your love for good food. 37. You love dancing, and I love to see you dance better than I do. 38. You love music, especially jazz. 39. I am your favorite. 40. Your love for your dogs. 41. Your love for plants; how many more are you getting to mark 50? lol. 42. Your love for rain. 43. You are the coolest mum with the kids. 44. Your fashion sense; you always pick good designs for me. 45. I love your sense of adventure. 46. You love traveling. 47. Your love for coffee. 48. Your love for cards. 49. Your love for rearranging and always tidying up. 50. Your zeal for prayer and love for praise and worship. By Kwabena 56 The Birthday Journal