Ntowaa Magazine

A Summary of it all…… In squiggly pencil strokes during early childhood development, I wrote about myself thus: “My name is Vida Ntowaa Dakwa. I come from Osino. My father’s name is James Benefo Dakwa. Mymother’s name is Pauline Gyankoromaa Dakwa. My favorite food is Goat Jollof. But, at home, I was known as Nanny. Simple.” A typical attempt by a class one child, guided by a teacher, to identify me. I bet I got all correct. However, with time and seasons, I have added more flesh, more specifics, moremeat, with firmer strokes of ink, canceling where need be and correcting the information, because we have become aware of ourselves and are sure of what we identify or who we are becoming. This identity process has led children who were born outside Ghana to come to their roots, to feel firsthand where their roots are, how deep they go, and figure out a way to nurture. After touching foot on the land of their fathers and immersing themselves somewhat, they are able to propel themselves forward with confidence, knowing exactly where they come from. Identity! Others get confused with the gender they are or were born with and start identifying with something they are not. That is a subject for another day. Is it not strange that people who die have to be identified? Even if they are not identified, they are somewhat identified - as a John Doe! The irony of it. Anyway, I am the third child birthed to two amazing humans - James and Pauline Dakwa. They both trace their roots to the twin villages of Osino and Abome. These two were pure Akyem breeds who were cousins. It was not strange in those times in the Akyem clan to have cousins marry each other. It was a bid to keep it in the family. As a child, I have poignant memories of Osino, where my maternal link was visible. On occasions, Pauline would shift gears of her tiny Mitsubishi Charade through the old town of Nsawam through Potrase to Osino. It was always a memorable time. I breezed through Englebert, Secondary, Mfantsiman Secondary School, and Accra High School. I hated Accra High School, but I made the decision to attend a day school to relieve my single parent of a mother of the financial burden of a boarding house when I was in 6th form. Completing Ghana Institute of Journalism, I got a chance to visit my brother in the United States of America. It was supposed to be a short visit, but I stayed for 10 plus years. Within the space of 15 years, I worked with EG&G Technical Services, the National Association of Security Sealers (NASD), World Bank, Nordstrom. As a trained Human Resources person, I worked in various lead positions in the Human Resources Department until I got married to Kwabena Atakora Nsiah and made a decision to come back home. Now I am known as Amma Atakora-Nsiah. I juggle working with my husband, Kwabena Atakora Nsiah, and being a full-time mother to our three kids. We run Integral Associates Limited, a real estate development company building communities. I am the third of four siblings - Thomas Reginald Dakwa, Vivian Okyere-Agyekum, and Anita Dakwa. Amongst us, we have 9 children, split 4 ways. Mine is a lad and two lasses. Two are in college. The last one is in high school. Kofi and Abena getting admission into Ashesi College was a momentous day for me. I looked back at all the potholes I skirted and recognized the hand of God and his favors throughout this journey. Nana Yaa’s admission into Wesley Girls High School was the icing on the cake. It was like the chortling of the stream under shady trees as it gave off a dappled reflection. I love working with Calvary Baptist Church on family life issues. I love reading. I love to write. I love my morning coffee. Oh, did I mention that I love the color green? In every shade and hue, it’s a sight to be seen. From the emerald depths of green tea so serene to summer dresses swaying, a verdant sheen, green breathes life into every scene. And I love to water my evergreen plants. As I turn half a century today, I see that as low as I went, God catapulted me higher in lofty spaces. I look at the projects that I have been part of in Integral Associates. I see John the storms roll past my family. I see how we are sometimes drenched in the thunderstorm, but we are not swept away. At that point, I am reminded of my favorite verse in Isaiah Chapter 40 verse 31… “But those who wait on the Lord shall renew their strength; They shall mount up with wings like eagles, They shall run and not be weary They shall walk and not faint.” To God be all the glory! 84 The Birthday Journal