Ntowaa Magazine

Second Chances My brother’s 60th birthday was a cause for celebration, and the excitement was tangible not just for me, but for our entire family. We traveled 5293 miles to celebrate him, understanding the value of cherishing our loved ones while they’re still with us. However, shortly after the festivities, I fell ill. Chills, fever—I found myself in the Emergency Unit facing a health crisis. My temperature soared to 105 degrees, and I felt as if I were facing my mortality. In that moment of near-catatonia, I reflected on my life. Had I loved my family enough? Had I expressed it as often as I should? These questions lingered, and though I answered “yes,” I knew I could do more. So, I pleaded with God for a second chance. I vowed to love more, live more, and appreciate life in all its richness. After a four-day battle with fever, I emerged drenched in sweat but surrounded by the warmth of family, laughter, and the promise of a fresh start. I am not wasting this second chance. I am committed to purging negativity from my life, viewing the world through clearer eyes, and embracing each moment with gratitude. I thank God for this journey and trust Him for the journey ahead, seeking more profound and meaningful experiences. 74 The Birthday Journal