Ntowaa Magazine

Roots! Typically, gnarled brown shoots, That ideally snake downwards, Skirting stones and other impediments, Seeking to feed on nutrients buried Beneath the surface of the earth. These Roots. They grow from tiny original seeds, Intentionally planted and nursed, Shooting deeply into the recesses of the earth, Seeking to survive. Others grow from tossed seeds. Still, they form roots, That crawl closely on the earth’s surface, And sometimes attach their stubby shoots to walls, All in a bid to find nourishment That’ll branch out to the leaves And make them flourish. Without healthy roots, There’d be no leafy fronds. Without good soil, The Root’ll rot and bear nothing. These Roots. Though generally invisible, They give the trunk form and bearing, And strength to grow. Contextually, Roots are the beginning of something huge And an indication of support. So… I wonder. Are your roots healthy? Is your soil rich in nutrients? Have you uprooted? Are you nurturing? Will your roots survive the drought season? Are your roots strong enough to carry your harvest in a season of much? Are you leaning on a bigger tree? Or do you consider yourself an Iroko or Teak, That sits in the middle of the town mightily? What leaves are your roots bearing? Evergreen shoots? Or the kind that offers shelter from the fiery sun? Are your shoots shriveled up and brown? Or they block you and others from the pelting rain? Do you bear fruits? Or is tilling the soil so much of a chore that you have bought yourself an artificial plant? Your roots could be Jesus. -Ntology 4 The Birthday Journal