Ntowaa Magazine

Mama, I love you. I don’t think anyone loves their mother as much as I love you; I say this confidently because I know how deep my love for you goes. Every passing day, I thank God for bringing you into my life. Thank you for answering the phone every time I call. Hell, I can even call you at 3 am, and you’ll answer. Thank you for listening to me every time I want to rant or do kokonsa . Thank you for providing and caring for me. I am always assured of your help. I have never felt the need to look to someone else for help. You go out of your way to do the very best for me. Thank you for being a sister and a friend. Thank you for your advice and pep talks. Thank you for giving me hope and encouragement. I always want to be better because of you. Thank you for setting an example for me to follow in your steps, for being a role model. Thank you for being there, through every joy, every tear, every fallback, and every success. Thank you for being you. Your kindness, patience, and endless sacrifice have shaped me into the person I am today. As I grow older, I realize more and more the depth of your love and the countless sacrifices you’ve made for our family. You inspire me every single day. I have told you this before, and I’ll tell you again. When I start making my money, I’ll buy you the world. Start telling everyone to pack their things and move to Mars or something because Earth will be yours soon. You deserve it! On this special day, I want you to know how much you mean to me. Thank you for being the best mom anyone could ask for. I love you, Mama. I really love you. God bless you always❤️ 36 The Birthday Journal