Ntowaa Magazine

Family Family is everything, and more. not limited to blood Or DNA But someone or a people who seek to push a positive agenda. I love these guys. They see me at my worst And my best. They see my strength; My weakness too But through it all, They have stayed. Do they have a choice? I bet they do They pull my strings taut, So taut, That it snaps And hits. But we Always go looking for the frayed edges And knot it beautifully. This bunch, When I break, They fence me in, Shutting the world off And offering support Till my limbs And elbows heal. We are a loud bunch During footie games, Chelsea, City & United. Sometimes We are divided by our Genders in the home, The men against the girls , Sparring And bantering. Other times, Parents Against children. We are like Captain Planet, Joining the forces from Oguaa to Akyemfo through Kumasi And back to Oguaa. “Perseverance conquers all.” “Obra Nye woara wobo.” “Ut Sint Unum.” “Dieu Le Veult.” “Live pure. Speak true. Right wrong.” Follow the king. We chant these In various decibels, Hoping to imbibe in us The Nsiah Bunch, An imperfect five, Bound tightly by the grace of God, My gift from heaven above. -Ntology 30 The Birthday Journal