Ntowaa Magazine

Wow, Amma! Fifty years! It seems just like yesterday when our paths crossed. I am excited as your birthday draws closer; I see the same anticipation from the kids because it is an opportunity to show you once again how much we love and cherish you. I am grateful to God first for the gift of life and for intertwining His plans for each of us in that chance encounter thirty-four years ago. For the past few days, I have taken a walk down memory lane, right from when we first met, making my “move” despite being warned of your protective brother Thomas. Somehow, we enjoyed each other’s company. Although we were both dating different people at the time, we found companionship and a kindred spirit and always ended up having “that conversation,” but each time, the timing was not right until fate smiled at us. In hindsight, it must have been God navigating our steps to each other. It is no surprise OUR SONG echoes this: When God made you, He must have been thinking about me. Amma, my “Coochie”: Love is finding your soulmate in your best friend. Someone who shares your love for people. Who believes in giving. I am blessed I found all these in you. I fell in love with your sincerity, your loyalty, your laughter, the wrinkles at the corners of your eyes when you smile, your tight hugs, and the little ways you love me. Most people know you as outgoing, but Amma is a paradox. She is soft yet hard; loud but quiet; naughty but nice; confident yet shy; predictable yet surprising; private yet an open book, self-assured but down-to-earth, and I love all shades of you. Love grows if well-watered with respect, forgiveness, and love. Our love for God has made navigating marriage seemingly easy. We have not been immune from the challenges of life and relationships, but we have always held the notion we will not deliberately hurt each other. Amma, “Coochie,” you are my best friend. I have known you for thirty-four years (34) and been married to you for twenty (20). You have walked besides me in love, supporting my crazy dreams, nurturing our amazing children, and at the same time playing your role at Integral Associates Ltd with dexterity. As you mark this milestone, I can only thank God and pray for more blessed years and a more intimate walk with Him. The Lord bless you and keep you, the Lord make His face shine upon you and be gracious to you. I admire your incredible way with words, and I pray you develop your writing skills. I will be the first to purchase at the launch of your book in the near future. You have made me a better man. Thank you for being my loudest ( literally) cheerleader. Thank you for taking care of me. Thank you for the many sacrifices. Thank you for the secret prayers. We have seen each other at our best and our worst, and the love only grows. Fifty sure looks good on you, beautiful! Here’s to the next 50 Tracci, Amma, Maame Ntowaa! Here’s to making more awesome memories. I love you, Amma; there’s no stopping us. As God wills, we will grow old together in love. It can only get better. Nyame ne Hene. This is Fifty! 28 The Birthday Journal