Ntowaa Magazine

Did Jesus not come because of us - the naked, so he can clothe us? Or the hungry, so he can feed us? Or the homeless, so he can provide us shelter? Hundred-dollar question. How do you make people feel? I am gently reminded of how we make people feel. Accepted inspite of ? Or rejected regardless? Kwabena If there was anything I hated, it was that ‘ssss’ ‘ssss’ sound that boys made when they saw girls, and my neighborhood boys knew. In fact, they knew better than to come and toast me. Like, in my teenage girl mind, I was sure that none of them could utter a word to me. The closest was a polite nod. Besides, they feared my brother, Thomas. I could see the respect in their eyes whenever they saw me, and I enjoyed it. “Ssssssss” Imperceptibly, I stopped. Then I continued to walk away in my Navy Blue uniform and black sandals, thinking it was the hiss of the wind. “Sssssss,” I heard the sound again. Stronger this time. Then, in my head, I questioned the one producing the sound. I said to myself, “Is he a snake?” I Mtchewwwwed him in my head. Kwabena and Ntowaa The Birthday Journal 25