Ntowaa Magazine

Then, in 1991, we spilled out Of the school gates, Branching out once again To other regions and capitals, Notably Takoradi, Accra, Kumasi, Yendi, etcetera, To face an even stronger current Outside our gates. Out there... Some of us flowed into other rivers And became one, Others into oceans, Becoming huge waves That house whales and sharks. A bunch of us formed lakes, Others became waterfalls, Meandering into the woods, forests, Under bridges, glinting when the sun came out. Some became ice or snow, Thawing by seasons, And some were bottled. Thirty-three years after I tickled out there, I dried up every so often, Somehow I filled up again. Still, I remain a pond, A purple Salty pond. I mist up... Out of the 96, Six have become vapor. Ninety of us hopefully still flow. -Ntology The Birthday Journal 15