Ntowaa Magazine

Beyond the Storm Sometimes, life moves in a blur And it’s hard to remember the details. Other times it’s sharp, And you can remember everything. See how the SUN shows off after a Storm? See how it is blindingly BRIGHT? Remember this No storm lasts forever. The Sun will break through And preen to dispel the gloom, And DRY up every spot the storm touched. Then, the flowers will open up their PETALS And life will start off again. What are the odds that you’ll fail? Then again, what are the odds That you’ll succeed, beyond your wildest expectations, If you keep at it? -Ntology Pa was, however, known officially as James Kofi Benefo Dakwa. His passport is fat and filled completely with numerous stamps of countries I have just heard about. He brought ‘Mamiya,’ a Japanese Digital company, to Ghana, representing them solely. The consummate entrepreneur that he was, he had a vision to become a conglomerate. Thus, he pushed on to create Benefo Holdings Ltd. Under this new umbrella, he pushed Dakwa Fotohouse (his nerve center), D.F. Transport, D.F Electricals, Instant Fotos, Foto House Stars (a football team), Football Club. He added two more - Salon Budapest and Fonta Refreshments for Pauline Afia Ataa Gyankoromaa Dakwa, his wife. Pauline managed the Salon as a pastime and brought her delectable culinary skills from her personal kitchen to the public space - Fonta. It was a busy eatery in Tudu, Accra, that served all sorts of delectable African and continental dishes. By all indications, JB pulled Pauline along in his adventures in the commercial era. This, in retrospect, kept her going. In today’s parlance, they would have been the power couple. Everything I know about my Pa, I found out through word of mouth from family or total strangers. Thomas, my older brother, speaks about Pa with a glint in his eyes, reminiscing about their 10 The Birthday Journal