Nana Ama_magazine

Our home may not have always been filled with laughter, but there were great memories of Dad who loved holidays, especially Christmas, and would let us help with decorating the tree. On the other hand, Mom baked all the cookies, cakes, and cooked the best meals during Christmas. Being the only girl between Mom and Dad I had two brothers after me - Nana Akwasi Obiri Yeboah Charles Francois Akosa and Jones Clifford Paa Kwabena Akosa. One might have thought I would be a pampered child; however, this was not the case. In fact, Mom’s favorite saying was that because I was her only daughter, she was not going to spoil me. I was therefore engaged in every domestic chore. I also have an older half-sister, Thelma AkosuaWusua Akosa, and a younger half-brother, Kofi Otuo Acheampong Akosa. MyMomwas strict, but my Dad was stricter. A disciplinarian, if you told a lie and he found out, you were in serious trouble. You got beaten for that. So I learned quickly not to be in that position. I may have come across as a perfect child to my siblings, but it was just because I didn’t want to be beaten. The highlights of my childhood were when our cousins would come to our house over the long vacations, or when we all would be sent to Asante Mampong to spend time with Grandma Salomey. I looked forward to these times because I lovedwhen she sent us all out to sell baked goods and other wares. She was a good cook and a jack of all trades. 8 The Birthday Journal