Nana Ama_magazine

Mummy In the heart of our family is our wonderful mom, who effortlessly carries happiness every day—a contagious energy that brightens our lives. Mom’s joy is most evident when she’s with family, but in quieter moments, a touch of sadness emerges when she thinks about her dad. An outgoing soul with a smile that lights up any room, Mom’s positive energy remains constant despite life’s challenges. A treasured memory is Mom taking time from her day to play video games with us as kindergartners. Her laughter filled the room, creating magical moments and forging a bond beyond screens and buttons. Watching TV before bed with her has always been one of our favorite activities – a prime time for us to chat about whatever we’re watching and discuss our day. Mom is outgoing and sociable, always leaping to make her days more interesting. Facing an unexpected battle with breast cancer,Mombecame a truewarrior, inspiring many with her determination. Her triumph over breast cancer, a victory not just for her but for the family, showcases her strength. As a testament to her love for her adopted home, Mom proudly achieved full citizenship in America. In every aspect, Mom, Nana, embodies the extraordinary—an endless source of inspiration brightening our days. Although she graduated from an American college after navigating unfamiliar modern tools, she continues to provide for us tirelessly. Her neverending motivation inspires us tokeepmoving forward, taking the positives with us and handling the negatives. Despite past tensions at home, resolving those issues changed the way our parents approach my brothers and me. Witnessing my younger brother’s success at a young age is something they couldn’t have imagined, and whenever he takes on a task, they ensure he excels. On her birthday, we want to express our appreciation for Mom. She does whatever she can to ensure our safety, but at the same time, she doesn’t coddle us, teaching us the importance of independence while reminding us there are people we can fall back on if needed. Happy Birthday, Mom – your love and guidance shape our lives in themost beautiful ways. Audi, Siege and DJ Kendall 41 The Birthday Journal