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lifelines charting my recovery – until they were finally removed. And then there’s Cheryl Lingard, a true friend who accompanied me to the plastic surgeon when Evan couldn’t make it. Each person in this story, each friend and family member, contributed a piece to my healing journey. In facing challenges, I discovered strength in the warmth of those who stood by me, turning tough times into a story of faith and love. The seed of gratitude and compassion planted within me blossomed into a desire to give back. PinkForAfrica became my first platform, where I joined forces with Mrs. Juliette Erawoc Mills-Lutterodt, the CEO. I shared my story as a guest speaker at a Tea Party fundraising event and contributed to the cause through the sale of shirts. Alongsidemy sonDj Jazzy Kendall, who served as the DJ, and my husband, an advisor and co-manager, we became an integral part of PinkForAfrica. Before my journey with PinkForAfrica, I harbored a dream—to start my foundation. Now, that dream has found its wings. My Scars, My Journey, a breast cancer foundation, is a manifestation of my commitment to being a beacon of hope for others facing the same battle. We embark on this mission with a profound purpose. Our foundation seeks to educate and bring awareness about breast cancer to women of African descent, young and old. Beyond awareness, we aim to provide crucial financial support to those in need, dismantling any stigma associated with this relentless disease within our community. My Scars, My Journey Breast Cancer Foundation is not just about me; it’s about all of us. We want to be the helping hand, the shoulder to lean on, and the bridge for women facing breast cancer. Whether it’s financial aid, group therapy, prosthetics, or a place to stay during treatment – the Foundation is here to support. Looking ahead, we’re dreaming big for our foundation – a safe place for women facing breast cancer. In the next five years, we aim to take big steps towards a worldwhere this tough fight is just a thing of the past. Let’s join hands to turn the tough journey into a story of success, where support and strength help women beat the odds. It might be a tough road, but every step gets us closer to a time when cancer is no longer a scary word. Together, we’re ready to make a future where hope shines bright, and the challenges today become triumphs tomorrow. 35 The Birthday Journal