Nana Ama_magazine

Financial flexibility emerges as a significant factor in this decision, offering not just personal fulfillment but also control over my economic well-being. Juggling work and personal life is no easy feat; it requires a delicate dance to ensure both professional commitments and family responsibilities are met with grace. Coming back to work isn’t just about finding personal fulfillment; it’s about embarking on a quest for accomplishment. It’s an invitation to dive into meaningful work and reaching professional milestones that bring both satisfaction and purpose. In simple terms, this journey back to the workforce is a personal one, shaped by experiences as a stay-athome mom and a fervent desire for self-growth. As I continue in this new phase, I carry with me the lessons learned from years of family care, ready to thrive in the professional world once again. Inspiration The wellspring of my inspiration flows from the deep reservoir of both my parents, but today, my heart aches with a poignant yearning for my late dad, a void that intensifies on this special occasion. Oh, how I wish he could be here to share in the jubilant moments! My father, a connoisseur of celebrations, left an indelible mark on me, and I find solace in continuing this legacy. Memories of my dad flood my mind, especially when he turned fifty, a milestone etched in my heart. He reveled in the joy of life, throwing three successive parties to commemorate the occasion. His penchant for celebrating birthdays every five years became a tradition that I inherited. I recall the faint recollection of being celebrated on my fifth birthday, the grandeur of my tenth birthday party with friends, and the splendid affair at fifteen. He reserved the next celebration for my twenty-first, a lavish event where he, a Minister of State, generously treated 21 of my friends and me to a delightful three-course meal at a Chinese restaurant in Accra. During milestone birthdays, a bittersweet longing lingers for my father’s presence. Oh, how I miss the laughter we would share and the love and joy that would envelop these moments. In my heart, I carry the torch of celebration that he lit, cherishing the legacy he left behind. As I embark on my 50th birthday and 25th marriage anniversary celebration, I can’t help but marvel at the many miracles that have unfolded, including emerging from the battle cancer-free for nine years and counting. To God be the glory for the great things He has done. I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me. Philippians 4:13 “ 31 The Birthday Journal