Joojo was not the most mischievous as a child, but he was always one for jokes and jabs. He was constantly joking with everyone, especially with me and Cherie. He especially got a kick out of it when the joking went too far and we got mad or started to cry. This seemed to entertain him even more. I guess that’s the dynamic of being siblings. Joojo was also a great debater. He always had a love for a good back-andforth about any random topic. Through the years we’ve always bonded over taking different sides of an argument and going back and forth, trying to convince each other of our point. He definitely got it from Mr. Annan, who was always one to analyze, deconstruct, and understand different points of view. As with the joking, Joojo was always willing to go the extra mile. In debating, this meant sometimes, arguing to keep the argument going. As you can imagine this often did not go well with older people, especially Mr. Annan. I remember many times when Joojo would take up a counterpoint to something our father would say, only to be scolded for being rude. It was often hilarious to watch the two of them (debate/argue/fight). As Joojo got older he became bolder with his arguments and Mr. Annan became more and more short-fused. To this day the great debater, Joojo Annan, is known for striking up a deep and sometimes boisterous debate at the most inopportune times. Joojo has always been the one to mediate and bring people together. Whenever there is an argument, even something like who should get the last piece of plantain (always me of course), he has always been one to step in and try to get each person to see the others’ point of view. As the oldest, he was Ralph 28 The Birthday Journal