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66 February 2022 The Birthday Journal my parties, especially during my Atlanta days. The focus had always been on good music, lots of drinks and food. The focus for those parties was to just party and have a good time. My 50th birthday celebration had an essence that went beyond partying. I personally dedicated a lot of my time working with a number of vendors to make my vision of the party come to fruition. I am known as a planner, but I took it to a different level. The ‘Save the Date’ notifications started going out as early as eight months to the event. It was necessary, especially for those who were coming from abroad, We didn’t disappoint! I thank all the vendors the event coordinator and my cousin, Anthony Mensah, who was instrumental in getting things done back home in Ghana. What did reaching the age of fifty symbolize for you and how did you mark this important milestone in your life? The age of fifty symbolizes an age of maturity that calls for some introspection, as to the kind of legacy I want to leave behind when all is said and done. I have become more conscious about my actions and inactions with the end in mind. That is why it was important that integral to the celebration of the milestone, was the recognition of those who have been impactful in my life. One can truly be happy if they have a heart of gratitude. And that is how I marked this important milestone. Looking back, is there anything you would have done differently in terms of planning or celebrating your 50th birthday? No! There isn’t anything I would have done differently. I feel blessed to be alive, healthy, have my family and loved ones around to celebrate with me, and I look forward to many more decades with the opportunity to continue to make a difference in the lives of others!