Mag_launch final

6 February 2022 The Birthday Journal I don’t exactly remember when my passion for photography started, but I was a young adult. And boy!... Did all my friends and acquaintances suffer. I took photos of anything I came across, and anything that dared to cross my path; even the trees, flowers, shrubs, butterflies, sky, birds, and animals. Afterwards, I would sit down and look through the pictures, drinking them in, enjoying the various scenes and poses, and looking at all the beautiful people I had captured. I have often been accused that “we never see Mansa’s photos.” - it wasn’t deliberate. My challenge was how to get all the million photos in the hands of the people whose photos I had taken. Over the years, I developed another love. Printing. I have been involved in printing at all levels, but in the last couple of years, I have helped to print my church’s harvest magazine, which I was involved in from beginning to end. In 2020, my dad was approaching eighty, there I was goofing around, asking him to do a photoshoot. I am sure he was thinking, “like really? This crazydaughter ofminewantsme to do a photoshoot at eighty, with all my creaky bones?” But my dad being my dad, he was a good sport about it. He had his family and friends around. The idea really, was to capture my father’s life in print, to showcase his life story by chronicling his life in a magazine. Thatwas reallyhowI came up with the concept of ‘The Birthday Journal.’ As we did the magazine, we recreatedparts ofmydad’s life thatwe weren’t sure about. Making the magazine was a really fulfilling and interesting experience for me, because I got to sit with my dad, as we went through the various decades of his life. It is amazing how you can live with someone for a long time but not know some of the basic details of their lives, because, one, it may never have come up and two, you may also have never asked. On the day we celebrated his eightieth birthday, I was able to Passion, Purpose and Progress THE FOUND ING STORY “The Birthday Journal, is therefore a good avenue for letting people know that they are loved, that they are celebrated. It brings people into a limelight, that actually propels them for more wins for the future.” MANSA AGYARE