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56 February 2022 The Birthday Journal THEMAN. Samuel Opoku Arthur He had always known that he would celebrate his fiftieth birthday by giving back to the less fortunate, and had discussed it with his wife Clara. He just wasn’t sure how to give back. Until ‘Sintim,’ the dispatch rider who normally delivered his waakye from Asylum down told him his life story. A loner, Sintim had lost his parents when he was young. Then, was moved from one family to another. The tale of Sintim’s childhood was a very sad one indeed, causing Opoku to wonder whether he wouldn’t have been well off had there been a better support system in place when his parents died. For instance, an orphanage. Opoku wondered how many ‘Sintims’ were scattered all over Ghana. He could see Sintim in the many homeless children who thronged the traffic in Accra, washing people’s windscreens or hawking for a living; he saw him Celebrating Milestones by Giving A of Gold Heart Samuel Opoku Arthur