Mag_launch final

19 February 2022 The Birthday Journal “AND IT MUST BE THE TALK OF THE TOWN!!” She added joyfully, giggling, jiggling and doing a jolly good dance. ‘Gossip Queen,’ aka’ Lady Whistledown,’ is what I call my best friend. A social butterfly, she is the very opposite of me. There is no high-society party she has not attended, whether or not she knows the host. Imean, I have seen her negotiate, bargain, and even kneel down to be invited. I don’t knowhow she does it, but she seems to know every RSVP at every high-society event. And evenwhen she doesn’t, she seems to know someone who knows someone. She can be a little bit, let me say, ‘crazy’ if I may say so. The funny thing is that in all the time that I have known her, she has never celebrated anything herself, not even her own birthday. For someone who has never celebrated anything herself, she seems to have lots of opinions on other people’s events. Whose party vibed and whose was a flop? Whose banquet went well and whose was a disaster? Which colours stood out and which were dull? So, I am definitely not getting cold feet about putting my party into her able hands. Lady Baawine