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18 February 2022 The Birthday Journal WHY THEMED PARTIES ARE IN THE D I AMOND OF THE SEASON It was 3 months before my 40th birthday. Taking a walk on the beach, as I so love to do occasionally, I thought how blessed I was to have another year added to my life. Not everyone was so lucky. Normally, I celebrate my birthday quietly with a few close friends; no hassle. Not that I had not seen all kinds of celebrations going on, but not forme. Iwas therefore takenabackwhenoneday, out of the blue, my best friend came up to me and shrieked, “It is almost your 40th birthday. We must have a party!” I looked at her like a deer stuck in the headlights. “P-l-e-a-s-e! “P-l-e-a-s-e,” she pleaded, a pained expression on her face, like she was going to die if I said “no.” And when I just kept quiet, she batted her long fake lashes at me and gave a wry smile. “And who is going to be doing all that work?” I asked. “I am,” she squealed, taking that as a “yes,” and shooting her hands up in the air like she had just won a medal.