Juliet Magazine

My Babies My marriage is blessed with three beautiful children: Craig, Daryl, and Jenevieve. The two boys are in the United States with my mother, but my daughter is here with me. I remember the day I took them to the airport, fourteen years ago, all three of us doing a group hug and crying. I never intended to raise my children in America, especially the boys. I wanted to do it here, but I wasn’t in the right state of mind at that time. I was depressed and didn’t feel mentally able to take care of them. Besides, I felt guilty about constantly leaving them with nannies. Also, I was working so hard in the industry, waking up early each morning to go to work and returning late at night while they were asleep; I almost never saw them enough. Above all, my marriage was not in a good place at the time. It wasn’t easy for me at all. My daughter Jenevieve was still a baby; I was sure I could manage her. My parents and siblings had since relocated to the United States, so there was really no family to turn to. That accounted for my sending the boys away to my mother in the United States. Besides, they are Americans. I had them there. We gave them a good life, expensive holidays, everything money could buy, but I want more for them. In a way, I feel that I have not been able to do for my boys what I really want to do, unlike what I have done for my daughter. However, God knows best. In a way, I feel that I have not been able to do for my boys what I really want to do, unlike what I have done for my daughter. However, God knows best “ 28 The Birthday Journal