most of our academic and career goals. Bobo is now a lawyer, a Member of Parliament (MP) for Sekondi, and a Deputy Minister of Energy, while I went on to get a first class in Economics at Legon, a Master of Economics at the University of Guelph, Canada, and a PhD in Economics at the University of Delaware, where I was a visiting assistant professor of economics. I have worked at 3 out of the Big 4 Global Accounting firms (E&Y, PWC, and KPMG) in the US, South Africa, and Nigeria, and I am now a Founding Partner and Head of Transfer Pricing (TP) and Economic Advisory Services at Andersen Nigeria with responsibilities for Africa andMiddle East (AME). Despite all that we’ve achieved together, one of my biggest prides is being a godfather to Bobo’s beautiful daughter, Alisson. It’s more special because I don’t have a daughter of my own. Thanks, Bobo, for a transformative friendship that has helped catapult both of us into much greater heights in our respective fields. Much love, Bro, and the Mercer family! What is clearly missing in the narrative of myWestern education is how I managed to fund my postgraduate studies, even though I had some financial aid. That’s where my very special and lovely sister, Becky Bamfo (aka Sista Becks), comes back into the picture. My financial aid for my Masters in Economics programme at the University of Guelph in Canada covered my tuition and accommodations. That meant I had virtually nothing left to cover other living expenses, such as food and books. Apart from Sista Becks taking care of my flight expenses, she had to support me monthly during my stay in Canada. My transition fromGhana to Canada came with the usual initial hiccups. Unfortunately, a few were costly. For example, Sista Becks got me a mobile phone, and Bobo and Joe Bee 23