When the house was sold, we shipped our things off in a forty foot container, shipped a car, and set off onward to Ghana. Harry took a trip in May 2009 to organise a place to rent within Celebrity Golf in Sakumono as well as find a potential school for the children. It helped that the children were young when we came, they were six, four and twenty months. At least, it was a period where they did not have time to miss their friends or sulk about wanting to go back to England. Thefirst school theboys attendedwas verygoodand they attended for at least 5 years. As it became very popular, the class sizes increased and there were some incidents that took place around students being caned which we were very much against. A year after Jerry-Reuben left to boarding school, Tema International School (TIS), we moved the younger two to Nouvel which had small classes, then Ebenezer (Benny) attended Beacon College International School before also starting boarding at TIS like his brothers before him. In addition to that, we kept the boys very busy. There was football, school, Tae kwon do, visiting my grandma on the mountain, and a host of other things. We are glad to have been able to bring the boys up in Ghana, they have a sense of identity, know their language and culture, and are very well rounded and well brought up. Work I stood in-front of the eight thousand dollars a year office I had rented at Labone. It was beautiful, and I loved our business name, ‘Amazing U.’ The one thing I often told myself when I was moving to Ghana, was that I would be self-employed. I had done twelve years of corporate life in London and was fed up with it, but there were risks associated with being an entrepreneur in an emerging economy. So, when we were moving back home to Ghana, I got some training. Right after I had JerryReuben, I took part in a two-day program called Personal Leadership Program. It sought to hone our soft skills, yet, it was so powerful. It literally gave me an understanding about mindset and belief systems and just how one could become what they wanted to be. During that training program, I decided that I wanted to be like the facilitator; she was my HR Manager, Kim Webster. If only I could do what she was doing. So, before the move to Ghana, I got trained in Neuro Linguistic Programming, which is a personal development specialty area and I did an Image Consultant course. I 26 The Birthday Journal