Embracing The Homeland Ghana “What would you do if we moved to Ghana?” It was an email message from Harry. I gave him a list of six things I would do if I moved to Ghana. Actually, I had always known, even before we got married, that we would move to Ghana. It was just a matter of when. When our friends and relatives heard of our decision to move back home, some tried to discourage us. They could not understand why we would want to exchange our high flying jobs and comfortable life for a life in Ghana, but we were settled on it. We were Ghanaians and we wanted our children to be raised there. The first thing we did was to give ourselves a deadline of between two to five years. Next, we put our house up for sale. It took between five to six months for the house to finally sell, which came in handy because I had taken a redundancy package fromwork and Harry was working on contract basis. 24 The Birthday Journal