man, her cooking is a masterpiece. Childhood memories are snapshots in time, and one of my most cherished ones is when we'd watch the Food Network together. It wasn't just about the TV—it was about sharing moments, being on the same page. I'm proud of her every time she cooks. It's not just about the food; it's about her dedication and the love she pours into it. Her happiness is a guiding light. In a world where things can get tough, she shows me that a positive outlook matters. Her words, "I love you," they're like a constant hug. And yeah, she's always on me about putting away my laptop before heading out. Seeing her happy is easy—it's when we're all together as a family. You can see the joy in her eyes, and it's a feeling I'll always remember. But on the flip side, being away from family makes her sad. You can sense how deeply she values our bond. Her laughter, it's music in my ears, often sparked by my dad's antics. It's a melody of happiness that fills our home. My mom, Jennifer, she's not just a parent—she's my guide, my inspiration. Her connection to faith, her love, her cooking—they're parts of her that shape who I am. I'm lucky to have her, and I want to carry her lessons of happiness and love with me always. 23 The Birthday Journal