The Three Musketeers “Jen, wake up, you are groaning in pain.” “I am not in pain,” I whispered, and turned back to sleep. An hour later, I was awake, the contractions coming on strongly. “Quick!” I said toHarry, “the baby is coming, we have to go to the hospital now.” So we hurried, first to our friend Mwanida’s to collect a machine to help relieve the pain, and then to the hospital, where Harry rushed off to park the car, while I hung around with the midwives. Exactly fourteen minutes after entering the hospital, I felt the urge to push. “But my husband is not here,” I complained to the midwife. “Do you want your husband or do you want your baby?” she asked. To the Glory of God, Harry came in just in time for the birth, and a fewminutes later, we held our first born son in our arms. It was April 22, 2003, and we named him Jerry, a combination of both our names; Jenny and Harry, and then Reuben, which means first born. Roman’s birth in 2005, was even more dramatic. As soon as I felt the weight in my pelvic area, I knew that the baby was arriving, particularly taking into consideration how Jerry’s birth had been so quick. 20 The Birthday Journal