Love and Abundant Blessings Happy blessed birthday, my dearest sister and friend, Jayne. Ewuraba, papabi, soft-spoken, warm, pretty, and God-fearing. We thank God for how far He has brought you. Jayne, on this day, I pray for God’s abundant blessings and want you to know that you are deeply loved. May all your secret prayers be answered, and may everyone who encounters you see what I see in you. I love you, baby doll. Babsy. An extraordinary woman Jayne. An extraordinary woman!!! A truly extraordinary woman!! May your next years show us more of your strengths and your triumphs. Plenty love! AHeartwarming Smile I love Jayne’s beautiful smile. It’s incredibly welcoming and heartwarming. I have too many great memories with Jayne to mention a specific one. She’s an exceptionally nice, kind, and giving person, a friend and sister to all. My wish for Jayne for the next decade is filled with much love, blessings, great health, love, peace, joy, happiness, and all that her heart desires. May God’s continuous protection, guidance, direction, and grace be with Jayne, her family, and friends. The Radiance of Authenticity Jayne is beautiful and possesses a sunny personality with the most enchanting smile. I love being around people who radiate positive vibes, and that’s what I love about Jayne. She is always her authentic self. My most recent memory of Jayne was in London in August 2018 when I was spending part of my vacation withMaame Esi. It was my birthday, and to my surprise, Jayne and Maria paid me a visit bearing birthday goodies. Their kind gesture truly touched me, and we spent quality time together, making my birthday incredibly memorable. Such kindness. Jayne, I wish you great health, joy, adventure, success, and lots of hearty laughter in the next decade. May you boldly embrace all the wonders this decade has to offer, and above all, may your heart find peace. Friendship That Never Grows Old One thing I absolutely love about Jayne is how she always brings back fond childhood memories. Whenever we meet, it’s like we never grew up. Love love love Jayne. Jayne and I have a long history, growing up together in Teshie Nungua. We did so many things together. We even had this little habit of seeing each other off after visiting. It started and never ended, with us walking each other halfway home, which made it easier for us to return to our own homes. As for my wish for Jayne in the next decade, it’s simple: I wish her everything good that I wish for myself. May she have peace, happiness, joy, good health, prosperity, and a long and fulfilling life. Babsy Sally-Ann Gyamfi Ashiagbor Claire Afia Appiah Bibi Mensah 52 The Birthday Journal