
A Decade of Adventure and Joy One thing I love about Jayne is her positivity. Our great memories together are from our time working at Credit Suisse in London when we were young and carefree. My wish for Jayne for the next decade is simple: keep enjoying life. Our lives have just begun, and there are many more adventures and joys to come. Going the Extra Mile One of the aspects I admire about Jayne is her care and willingness to go the extra mile to ensure a sister’s or friend’s needs are sorted. In Ghana, there are quite a lot of great memories with Jayne, but if I had to pick one, I would say when she was working with Tullow Gh Limited. It was always a joy to meet her after work to unwind. She would always welcome me with such an enchanting smile that made me forget about all the stresses of the day. For the next decade, I wish you JESUS. May the Lord make you greater and better. May His peace be yours now and always. May you be blessed in your going out and coming in, and may God crown all our efforts with overflowing success. Happy birthday, dearie! A Tribute to Benevolence One of the aspects I adore most about Jayne (pet name - Ginola) is her unparalleled benevolence. Her profound compassion and genuine sense of responsibility when it comes to loving people is truly remarkable. She personifies the essence of selflessness, demonstrating that ‘kindness is a language which the deaf can hear and the blind can see.’ Her infectious personality and unwavering loyalty only magnify the beauty of her heart. She embodies the roles of a wife, sister, and mother all rolled into one, a living testament to the words of Maya Angelou: “Love recognizes no barriers. It jumps hurdles, leaps fences, penetrates walls to arrive at its destination full of hope.” If I were to create an angel in today’s world, it would be Jayne, for she represents the very essence of love, compassion, and grace. One of the memories that stand out is an innocent heartfelt letter I sent to her when we were both 12 years old. In that letter, I lavished praise upon her admirable qualities, unintentionally leading to a bit of commotion. This incident brings to mind Oscar Wilde’s famous observation: “Some cause happiness wherever they go; others whenever they go.” In this case, my expression of appreciation for Jayne’s virtues created a joyful impact on her, even though it led to unintended consequences, as her mother discovered the letter and subsequently forwarded it to the headmistress (and we all know how she is like, abi), adding an element of amusing unpredictability to our childhood friendship. The second memory is a cherished one, a memorable walk we took one cold December afternoon when we were 23. During that walk, I made a promise to Jayne, vowing unwavering support and assuring her that her place in my heart is eternally reserved. This commitment mirrors the profound sentiment expressed by David Tyson Gentry: “True friendship comes when the silence between two people is comfortable.” This December holds special significance for us because during that time, I met a lady whom I believed to be the most amazing person in the world, and I confided in Jayne about it. Convincing this remarkable lady of my sincerity and worthiness was an immensely challenging task, and I needed all the raps in the world, so over to you, Ginola. Instead of providing me with the lyrics, she suggested that I embark on a journey of self-improvement and redemption. Really, Really, Really, Ginola...who says that!!! These experiences, from the heartfelt letter of our youth to the complexities of that December, highlight the unpredictable yet beautiful path our friendship has taken over the years. To celebrate Jayne is to celebrate a remarkable soul whose presence in my life has been nothing short of a blessing. Ginola, may the coming decade bring an abundance of joy, good health, and continued success in all your endeavors. May you find fulfillment in your dreams and aspirations, and may your life be filled with love, laughter, and cherished moments with family and friends. May you continue to inspire and uplift those around you with your kind heart and infectious spirit. Here’s to a future filled with endless possibilities and even greater achievements. Cheers to the next decade, Jayne! Legendary DJPace Joyce Awua Maxine Amoasi 49 The Birthday Journal