HOPSA 91 Magazine

HEREWE ARE 1. Join we now as friends, and celebrate The unity we share, all as one, Keep the fire burning, kindle it with care, And we’ll all join in and sing. Chorus Here we are, all together; As we sing our song joyfully; Here we are, joined together, As we pray we’ll always be. 2. Glorify The Lord With All Our Voices, Show HimWe’re Sincere By All Our Deeds; Shout The Joys Of Freedom Everywhere, And We’ll All Join In And Sing. Chorus 3. Let Us Make The World An Alleluia, Let Us Make The World A Better Place; Keep A Smile Handy, Lend A Helping Hand, Let Us All Join In And Sing. Chorus City of God Song by Dan Schutte and St. Louis Jesuits Awake from your slumber arise from your sleep a new day is dawning for all those who weep. The people in darkness have seen a great light the lord of our longing has conquered the night. Let us build the city of God may our tears be turned into dancing for the lord our light and our love has turned the night into day. We are sons of the morning, we are children of day. The one who has loved us has brightened our way. The lord of all kindness has called us to be a light for his people to set their hearts free. Songs We Love 50 The Birthday Journal