Elaine Adjoa Embil House: St. Anne’s What were the highlights of your time at Holy Child? I tell everyone that I have over a hundred sisters, and that’s what Holy Child School gave me. My highlights were the beautiful people I grew up with. The highs were always celebrated, and you were never alone during the lows either. What valuable lessons from Holy Child have stayed with you throughout your life? Being each other’s keepers. Praying always and looking out for the less fortunate. “Actions, not words,” which urges me to show up always. What is your fondest memory at Holy Child? It all began one afternoon in class 3C during Ms. Gyimah’s English lesson. As the bell rang, signalling the end of the period, a few of us sitting at the back of the classroom were feeling mischievous. We took out our France Afrique textbooks and made jokes about “Pierre et Seydou,” “des beignets,” and “Aja Dudu” before our upcoming French lesson with Monsieur. Amid the jokes and chatter, the conversation drifted towards organising a talent show. But as ideas began to flow, one suggestion sparked another, and soon we found ourselves discussing the possibility of hosting a pageant for Form Threes. The classroom buzzed with enthusiasm as we tossed around ideas. Who would participate? How many contestants should there be? And who would judge this exciting event? Each question brought new energy to the discussion, and before long, we were all eager to contribute. Someone proposed the fabulous idea of bringing in an external photographer to capture the magic of the night. Everyone quickly agreed; it was the perfect touch to make our pageant memorable. Over the next few weeks, we dedicated ourselves to rehearsals in our various roles, planning and perfecting every detail. Excitement grew as the day approached. This was the first time a pageant was being organized in our school, as far as we knew, and the entire Form Three was buzzing with enthusiasm. 18 The Birthday Journal