Fatherhood I have always been told that I have a good sense of humour. Well, maybe I witnessed my father being heavyhanded with us, and I did not want my children to have to go through that. Fatherhood is one of the best things that ever happened to me. What joy I felt when Augusta, Lamin (deceased), Genevieve, Selassie, Emefa, Etse, and Atsu were born. Augusta was born to a Nigerian mother, and Lamin was born in London. I was quite a workaholic, but I never joked with my family and made sure to spend a lot of time with them. It was not a strange sight to see me rolling all over the ground with my children, playing with them on the floor. I was very lenient with them, while their mother was very strict. It was so interesting that whenever they wanted to do something, and they knew their mother would disapprove, they would first come to ask me, knowing that I would let them do it. I was quite a workaholic, but I never joked with my family and made sure to spend a lot of time with them. “ How it started Etse, Okyne, Atsu Emefa, Mum, Dad, Selassie 15 The Birthday Journal