Dr Fanta

It is great to be a small part of this great occasion. I’m speaking on behalf of my siblings, Auntie Kai, Uncle Kweku George, Uncle Ernest, Sis Maame Ama Felicia, and indeed, my late mum and late Sister Koowa, to congratulate you on all you have achieved so far. To God be all the glory! As a young man, you were determined to be a doctor and fought against the odds, overcoming each one and dealing with the curve balls slung your way. I still laugh at your story of my mum going with you to see your former headmaster to convince him to look at your excellent results, in order to allow you to go to the school of your first choice! It was not often that the old lady got stymied in such matters. It must have been galling for you at the time, yet you overcame it all, showing them that you cannot keep a good Mankessimman down. Nowwe see that it was God moving in his own mysterious way, His wonders to perform. You are now an inspiration to pupils in your former school! On a personal note, I, together with my siblings are grateful for the concern you showed when you heard that my mumwas not well. You took time off your busy schedule to visit her and explain to me what her condition meant for the future. It was a very helpful conversation. More recently, I benefited from your virtual lecture for the Mankessim Community in North America your delivery was so clear; the mark of a true professor! Thanks a million for inviting me; I learnt so much. Continue with the good work in Medical Education, both in the US and here in Ghana. We pray that God will continue to bless you, your practice and your family (and here I must say a special thank you to your wife, for inviting me to be part of this). I’m so proud to be your cousin. Once again, have a very happy birthday and stay blessed! Frederick Engmann (Your Non-Fante Speaking MankessimCousin) We love you Dr. Fanta Dr. AUGUSTUS EDUAFO, FANTASTIC SON OF SWESCO!!! ACTIVE MEMBER OF SWESCO ALUMNI ASSOCIATION, NORTH AMERICA 2019 - CHAIRMAN, BOARD OF DIRECTORS, SWESCO ALUMNI ASSOCIATION, NORTH AMERICA SERIOUS BUSINESS AND MEETING OLD AND NEW FRIENDS AT ANNUAL REUNIONS “SEMPER CUM OPTIMIS” 54 The Birthday Journal