Dr Fanta

It is our fervent prayer that: The Omnipotent The Omniscient, and The Omnipresent God, Will continue to order your footsteps. HAPPY BIRTHDAY! ENJOY YOUR DAY, BROTHER Araba Akwaaba Acquaye-Adenyoh My Godfather The name Prof Augustus Eduafo (Dr Fanta), not only stands out as a nephrologist but is beacon of hope for the helpless around the world and especially Mankessim. Nobody rooted for this little kid from the streets but he defied all their expectation and carried on with his dreamof being a pro in the medical field. I call him my mentor, father, doctor and friend. He is the first person I will contact when I need medical advice. Every subsequent award won has been inspired by the recollection of his dedication and achievements. I look to him as a driving force of motivation. In him I see the firm, enduring qualities of confidence, accountability, focus, inspirationandespecially love.Whenever I feel discouraged or dispirited, I will just put a call through to him and I will feel reinvigorated. As you celebrate this milestone in your life Dr Augustus Eduafo, this is my prayer for you; (Amos 9: 13-15) “Yes indeed, it won’t be long now.” God’s Decree. “Things are going to happen so fast your head will swim, one thing fast on the heels of the other. You won’t be able to keep up. Everything will be happening at once—and everywhere you look, blessings! Blessings like wine pouring off the mountains and hills. I wish you a very special year with endless blessing Kingsford Borbin Congratulations prof. The best part of working hard is the success that comes at the end. Nothing beats the feeling of well-deserved success. You have worked so hard with your goals in mind, leaving doubts and fears behind. You have achieved so much, and we are all very proud of you. Fanta attended Swedru Secondary School, a very average school with very few facilities around him. But he had endless enthusiasm to learn, and if you have limited facilities and endless enthusiasm, the result is without limit. Thank you for being a shining example for the younger generations. Only a few years ago, when universities were closed, we used to meet almost every day at the Mankessim NanaanomCentre to compare our rural notes. Wewere usually hungry, and if any of us had nomoney, the person simply waited for others to buy something and invite him. We relied on each other. Kelewele was usually people’s favourite, and if you are invited to take some kelewele, you are sure to get your fingers squeezed in the package, forcing you to drop some. Fanta’s favourite was saabo (boiled dry corn). You should drink water regularly when you eat this food. We were young and happy, even with all the hardships. Do you remember the BIG 10 and their lunchtime fufu show while we sit down and watch them? Do you remember our journey to Saltpond to look for rice and sugar from the District Secretary who refused to meet us? And the occasional live band at Baiden’s Hall was usually the highlight of our school break. On those occasions, the closer you are toUncle Board, the higher your chances of gaining free entry and, with a bit of luck, getting some free beer. And how can we forget Ozii Oza, our fashion designer, who always assured us of our first selection? My first stretch jeans were from his shop. [I’m just reminding you of a few of our struggles, Prof.] Today, we don’t even ask why it happened. We are thankful for the strength it gave us. Thankfully, all of us who struggled together are now enjoying some degree of success. Sadly, now that we can afford sugar at any cost, we are told by doctors, including Fanta, to keep an eye on our sugar level. Our story is about determination to succeed through hard work backed by perseverance, and for that matter, Fanta is a living legend. Fanta has proven that it is not what you don’t have that limits you. It is what you have, but you don’t know how to use it. The world is immensely grateful for your exemplary life, which is nothing short of inspiring. Please continue to believe in yourself, Prof., and follow your beliefs backed by determination. Have a very relaxing day with your family and friends, and I am sorry I couldn’t make it. Perhaps just for today only, you can demonstrate my mathematical dancing to the attendees. I wish you fun and excitement today, hope and dreams tomorrow, and good health and happiness forever. I WISHYOU A VERYHAPPY BIRTHDAY. 53 The Birthday Journal